What is the dm+d?
The Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) is a database that contains information about medicines and devices used in the UK. The dm+d is maintained by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA).
The dm+d was previously known as the UK Clinical Product Reference Source (UKCPRS), the Primary Care Drug Dictionary (PCDD), the Secondary Care Drug Dictionary (SCDD) and the Medical Device Dictionary (MDD).
These databases have now been combined into the dm+d.
Every pack for every medicine or device from every manufacturer is given a unique code on the dm+d database. The dm+d not only includes the vast majority of medicines or devices that are currently available, but also those that have been discontinued, used in clinical trials or imported. Once a product or device has been added to the dm+d and a code assigned to it, it is never deleted and the code is never re-used.
The dm+d underpins many of the NHS national IT infrastructure initiatives including electronic prescribing and electronic patient records, as well as improving the efficiency of prescription reimbursement.
The dm+d database can be searched and viewed via emc med data at: https://meddata.medicines.org.uk/