Pack Details

For each pack size, complete the fields and then click 'Save Pack'. The pack(s) will be displayed at the top of the section in it's own pack box. Packs can be removed by clicking the 'X' in the top right of the pack box.

If you add a pack and notice a mistake, delete the pack from the list. Then re-enter the correct pack details.

Pack Name

The pack name is typically the product name, strength, formulation, company name, pack size. 


Price means the trade/basic NHS price of the specific product pack in pence, sterling. For example, enter £3.56 as 356.

When you make a new product submission, you can send it to the NHSBSA before the price has been confirmed. There are 2 ways of handling new price information:

1. Make your emc in-demand submission before the price is known and then update the price once it has been confirmed. To do this, collate all your data as normal, but if the price is not known, enter a value of 1 (one pence) into the price field for each pack. Send the submission to the NHSBSA. Assuming all the data is correct, the NHSBSA will 'accept the submission with revisions' and will remove the value of 1 pence. The NHSBSA will add the data to the dm+d and it will be shown on the dm+d browser, up to a maximum of 5 working days after your effective date. Once the price is confirmed, you must then use emc in-demand to make a 'price change' submission and update the price information.

If you do have an actual product pack that has a genuine price of 1 pence, please contact the NHSBSA Helpdesk and confirm this with them at 

2. You can also just wait until you have the price confirmed and then send your submission to the NHSBSA as quickly as you can.

Legal Category

Click to highlight the appropriate legal category for that specific pack size, on the drop down list.

The options for this field are:

  • GSL - General Sales Licence
  • P - Pharmacy only medicine
  • POM - Prescription Only Medicine
  • Not Applicable - should be used for all non-medicine packs e.g. appliances and devices etc


Quantity/Unit means the number and type of units in the pack or container e.g. 28 tablets.

In the first box, type the number of units in the pack e.g. 28. In the second box, click to highlight the type of units from the drop down list e.g tablets or capsules.

In the Update Pack submission, the data in this field is in pale grey which means that it cannot be changed.

Subpack Information

Subpack information gives additional information about how the product is packaged. For example the number of separate strips of tablets within a pack.

E.g. if a pack contains 28 tablets in 2 strips of 14, the subpack information would be 2 x 14 tablets. If a pack contains 28 tablets in 4 strips of 7 tablets, the subpack information would be 4x7.

If a pack contains 1 strip of 28 tablets, 28 loose tablets, 1 vial, 1 tube or 1 ampoule, type in 'not applicable'.


The GTIN code is a unique code assigned to a pack. Please enter a numerical value for your code. It should be entered as a continuous string of numbers, with no gaps. You can enter multiple GTIN codes – up to 20 per submission

Calendar Pack

A calendar pack is a blister or strip pack showing the days of the week or month against the units in the pack. Select either yes or no from the drop down list.

Hospital Pack

A Hospital pack refers to a pack that is only made available to a hospital. Click and highlight either yes or no from the drop down list, to show if your pack is or isn't a hospital pack.

Limited Stability

Some preparations require a diluent or vehicle to be added to the pack.

If the resultant liquid preparation has a stability of 13 days or less, the preparation should be marked as having limited stability. 

Limited stability does not apply to injections containing a diluent vial which are reconstituted prior to administration to a patient. 

Please click and highlight either yes or no from the drop down list, to show if your pack has limited stability.