emc publisher is a secure site and can only be accessed by registered emc data managers, using a username and password.
Your emc username has an associated security level (privilege) which dictates the emc publisher tasks you can perform. The emc publisher functions are:
View | View all your SPCs, PILs and X-PILs that are in progress in emc publisher, have been retired or are live on the emc |
Submit | Submit a new or updated SPC or PIL |
Cancel | Cancel an unpublished SPC, PIL or X-PIL submission in emc publisher |
Approve | Approve an SPC, PIL or X-PIL and publish it on the emc |
Retire | Retire (remove) a live SPC, PIL or X-PIL from the emc |
Publish PDF | Publish a PDF format on emc website |
To perform a particular function in emc publisher, data managers must have all the correct privileges assigned to their username. For each function read across the row to see which privileges are needed.
| Privileges required |
Function | emc view submitted documents | emc submit and cancel | emc authorise and retire |
View published documents on emc/X-PIL |  |  | |
View list of SPCs, PILs and X-PILs in progress in DMS |  |  | |
View list of retired SPCs, PILs and X-PILs |  |  |  |
Submit data |  |  | |
Cancel a DMS submission |  |  | |
Approve an SPC or X-PIL |  |  |  |
Approve/Publish an PDF PIL |  |  |  |
Retire a live SPC, PIL or X-PIL |  |  |  |
View failed QC documents |  |  |  |
Please ask your company’s emc Administrator to add, remove or change data managers' privileges. They can use our online Contact Management System (CMS) (https://cms.medicines.org.uk) to make the changes. For security reasons, Datapharm cannot make changes for you.