What is an RMM? 

A risk management plan may require the dissemination of educational materials – these are known as Educational Risk Management Material’s or RMMs. These additional educational materials may be published on emc alongside their respective SPCs and PILs. All RMMs published on emc must have been approved by the MHRA. More detailed guidelines on which RMMs are acceptable for publishing on emc can be found in RMM Principles For Companies which is available on request from servicedesk@datapharm.com

Submitting a new RMM using DMS 

Once you have logged in, use the easy-to-follow wizard to submit your RMM: 

Submitting an RMM 

The first screen of the wizard requires you to enter various details about the        

RMM. See Appendix 1 for help with the fields that will need to be completed

during submission.

You can submit a web link by adding the URL in the web link box or, to upload

an RMM in PDF format:

1. Select ‘Document’ as the media type

2. Click on ‘Choose File’ and select the PDF from your local storage

3. The file name will appear next to the ‘Choose File’ button

4. Click ‘Upload’

5. The PDF file name will appear in the box below the ‘Upload’ button if

the file has been successfully uploaded.

Assign documents to the RMM 

The second stage of the submission process allows you to assign documents to

the RMM. This determines which of your emc SPCs and PILs pages the RMM

will be viewable from. 

To assign SPCs or PILs 

1. Type the first few letters of the SPC or PIL name

2. Select from the list of suggestions 

3. Click ‘Add’ 

One or more SPCs or PILs can be assigned to an RMM. When at least one SPC

or PIL has been assigned the ‘Submit to QC’ button will become active. Once

you have assigned all the relevant SPCs and PILs to the RMM, click this button

to pass the RMM to Datapharm for quality control. 

The QC process

All RMMs are subject to quality control checks before publication on emc. When you submit your RMM for QC, the Datapharm quality control team will be notified. This process is usually completed within one working day of submission.

If the RMM does not meet the QC criteria it will be given a status of ‘needs attention’. The submitter will be sent an email informing them that the RMM has failed the QC process and should be amended before being re-submitted for QC. 

Publishing process

If the RMM meets the required criteria then it will pass the QC process and will be displayed on emc website on the SPC and PIL pages to which you have assigned it. No additional publishing stage is required so you should not submit the RMM unless it is ready for display on the eMC. 

Updating an existing RMM

An RMM can be updated for a number of reasons:

  •  To change the title or description
  •  To update the media type (PDF document or web link)
  •  To change the SPCs/PILs it is assigned to 

These changes can be made to amend an RMM that has failed the QC process or to update an RMM that has previously been published on emc. 

To update an existing RMM follow these simple steps:

1. Click the button to display the menu

2. Click on ‘Update RMM’ (see Fig.4)

3. Select the RMM you wish to update from the drop-down list

4. Click on ‘Next’

5. You are now in the ‘Update RMM’ wizard which is similar to submitting a new RMM (see ‘Submitting an RMM’) 

Once you have updated the RMM, and/or changed the documents to which it is assigned, it will need to be passed to Datapharm’s QC team. It will be subject to the same checks as a newly submitted RMM (see ‘The QC Process’ above).


1. If an RMM has been previously approved it will remain available on emc and will only be replaced once the updated version has passed the QC process.

2. If you choose to update a retired RMM, it will become visible again on emc once the updated version has passed the QC process.

Retiring an RMM

An RMM that is currently available on emc can be retired. Once it has been retired, it will no longer be visible on the SPC/PIL pages to which it had been assigned. To access the ‘retire’ function follow these simple steps

1. Click the button in the header to list all of your RMMs

2. Locate the RMM you wish to update from the list, or use the search function on the left of the screen to narrow down the number of RMMs listed

3. Click on the title of the RMM you wish to retire, this will display the RMM details and present a new menu on the left of the screen (See Fig. 5)

4. Click ‘Retire RMM’

5. Confirm that you wish to retire the selected RMM

Audit and Tracking

As with SPC and PIL submissions, DMS provides tracking information for the current version of the RMM. A history of the versions of the RMM is also maintained. Both of these functions can be accessed from the RMM details page.

Appendix 1

Title - This is the name of the RMM as it will appear on emc. The name should give a clear indication of what the RMM is and, if applicable, the target audience e.g. Medicine name Patient Booklet

Description - This is the description of the RMM which will appear underneath the title. It should help users understand the content of the RMM and how it will benefit them.

Audience visibility - This sets the intended audience of the RMM. Choose either healthcare professional or public, or both. If this is set to healthcare professional, the user will be required to self-certify that they are a healthcare professional before they can access the material.

Media type - The RMM should be either a document, in PDF format, or a link to a website hosting the RMM. A size limit applies to uploaded documents; therefore submitted PDFs should be under 5MB in size. A web link should be a direct link to the RMM or web page containing the RMM.