You will receive an email if the NHSBSA approve your submission. It will automatically move from the submissions being processed section of the Active page to the Completed tab on the Home page.

The NHSBSA may make comments or changes to your submission and so it is important to view and check each completed submission. To do this, please see the help page titled 'View comments or changes made by the NHSBSA'.

Your data will be automatically added to the dm+d database, depending on your effective date.

If the effective date has passed, your data will be added to the dm+d database immediately and displayed on the browser over the next 5 working days along with the allocated AMPP code.

If the effective date is in the future, your data will be added to the dm+d database on the effective date. It will be displayed on the browser within 5 working days of the effective date along with the allocated AMPP code.