It is possible to send a new product submission to the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) without a price.
There are 2 ways of handling new price information:
1. Make your emc in-demand submission before the price is known and then update the price once it has been confirmed.
To do this, collate all your data as normal, but if the price is not known, enter a value of 1 (one pence) into the price field for each pack. Send the submission to the NHSBSA. Assuming all the data is correct, the NHSBSA will 'accept the submission with revisions' and will remove the value of 1 pence. The NHSBSA will add the data to the dm+d and it will be shown on emc med data, up to a maximum of 5 working days after your effective date.
Once the price is confirmed, you must then use in-demand to make a 'price change' submission and update the price information.
If you have an actual product pack that has a genuine price of 1 pence, please contact the NHSBSA Helpdesk and confirm this with them.
2. Send your submission to the NHSBSA when you have the price confirmed.