Consumer site - The destination site that HCPs and others who click on a link in promotional material will be taken to. It includes SmPC; legal category, price, company contact details and adverse event reporting text.

emc pi portal - The service from Datapharm that provides a one-click destination for digital prescribing information

Publish - By clicking on the publish button you will make the prescribing information visible on the consumer site

Published - The prescribing information is visible on the consumer site

Status - Prescribing information created in emc pi portal can have three states - un-published, published, or retired

Submission site - Used by pharmaceutical companies to create digital prescribing information and to control what is visible on the  consumer site

Retired - The SmPC associated with the prescribing information has been retired from emc and therefore is no longer available. The prescribing information is not visible on the consumer site

Un-publish - Clicking the 'un-publish' button will result in the prescribing information no longer being visible on the consumer site

Un-published - The prescribing information is not visible on the consumer site