The following Metrics are displayed on the Visitors Report:

Top Countries by Page Views

Showing the country location of users, from highest to lowest, in terms of page views. Clicking on any country value will filter the other charts on this report.   

Top Cities by Page Views   

Showing the city location of users, from highest to lowest, in terms of page views. Clicking on any city value will filter the other charts on this report.   

New vs Returning Visitors   

New visitors are those users that have not visited the emc before the time period specified (on your time selection), while returning visitors will have made at least one visit to the emc previously. This is again determined by whether Google Analytics can detect cookies, which indicate previous visits. If Google cannot detect a cookie one will be set for future recording unless the user has disabled cookies in their personal browser preferences.   

Visitor Device Types   

Shows the % of visitors using a mobile, desktop or tablet in order to view your product pages.   

If you hover over a segment of the pie chart, the user numbers as well as percentages will be displayed.  

How are Page Views and sessions trending over time?   

This shows the number of page views and sessions over the time period determined by the date filter, along with the values for the previous period.   

If you hover over a dot on the graph, the values for that data point will be displayed.