Access privileges to emc publisher NI platform can only be assigned by Datapharm.

There are two levels of access privileges:

Level 1 - Submit and cancel

Level 2 - Authorise and retire (also includes level 1 privileges)

ViewView your content that is in progress in publisher, has been retired or is live on the emc NI
SubmitSubmit a new or updated SmPC, PIL or RMM
CancelCancel an unpublished submission
ApproveApprove and publish submissions on to the emc NI
RetireRetire (remove) a live SmPC, PIL or RMM from the emc NI
PublishPublish content on emc NI website

If you would like us to add a data manager on behalf of your company please send the following information to our service desk team ( 

New Data Manager Request:


Job Title

Contact Number


Access level required (Level 1 or Level 2)

Our service desk team will action your request as soon as possible and will send out log in details to the new data manager directly