When you select the 'upload content' icon, you will be taken to the page where you can submit new or updated content
Select 'RMM' from the drop down menu and follow the steps to complete your submission.
The steps you need to complete for uploading an RMM are
Content Type - SmPC, PIL, RMM, etc*
File Version - New file or Update file
Product Details - Link to the product that your RMM is for; you can link to more than one product if applicable
Add File - Upload the document in pdf format or add web link to RMM
Content Details - Content/Document title, content description, visible to all or HCP's only, Regulator
Submission - Summary page and confirm submission; a level 2 data manager can pre-approve the RMM for publishing.
If pre-approval is not selected then the data manager can publish the RMM after it has come back from and passed the quality control process.
*Please note that currently the emc NI site is only hosting SmPC's, PIL's and RMM's so this is the only content type you can submit at the moment. Updates on this will follow shortly.